Senin, 06 April 2020

Past Participle


A participle is a form of a verb that is used in a sentence to modify a noun or noun phrase, and thus plays a role similar to that of an adjective or adverb (some languages have distinct forms for adverbial participles and adjectival participles). It is one of the types of non-finite verb forms.  The past participle is a verb form that indicates a completed action. It is used in perfect aspects, adverb clauses, and the passive voice.
For regular verbs, the past participle takes the same form as the simple past. Note that the morpheme –ed is added to the base form of the verb. There are some small irregularities concerning this –ed ending that are explained in the lesson on the simple past. Here are some regular verbs in their three forms:

base form
simple past
past participle

The simple past and past participles of most irregular verbs are formed by a change in spelling, but for some there is no change at all:

base form
simple past
past participle


1. I think your staff are … because they have been working hard all day.
A. Tired
B. Tiring
C. Was tired
D. Were tired

Analisa : jawaban yang benar dari kalimat diatas adalah A “tired” karena ia berfungsi sebagai predicative adjective yang menjelaskan perasaan “staff”

2. The organic products will be … immediately after I receive your payment.
A. Sent
B. Sending
C. Send
D. was sent

Analisa : jawaban yang benar dari kalimat diatas adalah A “sent” karena ia digunakan untuk passive voice”

3. The coffee ____ in this cafĂ© is good 
A. is brewed
B. brewed
C. was brewed
D, brew

Analisa : jawaban yang benar adalah B “brewed” karena fungsinya sebagai adjective dengan subjek “the coffee”

4. All of the .... prisoners were caught by the people.
A. Escape
B. Was escaped
C. Having escaped
D.  Escaped

Analisa : jawaban yang benar adalah E “escaped” karena subject prisoner memerlukan keterangan pasif sehingga jawabannya past participle(escaped)

5. ___ as a territory in 1854 and admitted as a state in 1861, Kansas is at the geographical center of the United States.
A. Organize
B. Organized
C. Was organize
D. Were organized

Analisa : jawaban yang benar adalah a karena untuk menerangkan kata benda “as a territory” maka dibutuhkan past participle.

1. The food is served in this restaurant is delicious

Analisa : kalimat diatas salah karena mengandung  “is served” yang seharusnya hanya “served” yang merupakan past participle sebagai adjective

2. The plane landed on the deserted runaway

Analisa : subjek kalimat diatas adalah “The plane” dan verbnya adalah “Landed” untuk “Deserted” adalah past participle sebagai adjective. Kalimat di atas benar

3. The unexpected guests arrived just at dinnertime

Analisa : subjek kalimat diatas adalah “The unexpected guests” dan verbnya adalah “arrived” unexpected merupakan participle sebagai adjective. Kalimat di atas benar

4. The course are listed in the catalogue are required courses

Analisa : Kalimat diatas salah karena mengandung “are listed” yang seharusnya hanya “listed” past participle sebagai adjective

5. The teacher found the lost exam

Analisa : subjek kalimat diatas adalah “The teacher” dan verbnya adalah “found” untuk “lost” adalah past participle sebagai adjective

Source :
Tener + Past Participle: A Case Study in Linguistic Description(
Bank Soal & Strategi TOEFL: Bank Soal & Strategi TOEFL(